We are not going to blind you with five thousand years of Chinese thinking about yin and yang, meridian lines and the rest. What we do know is that acupuncture can really help various pain disorders including headaches, chronic neck and back pain as well as helping recovery from injury and 'stress'. The needling uses sterile, single use tiny needles that seem to reduce inflammation and promote healing. Whether manual stimulation or electrical application is used is up to each therapist but the results seem to be the same. Not surprisingly, not everyone is an acupuncture responder. This shouldn’t be a surprise as we do not all respond even to paracetamol. Not all of us like Marmite. Sometimes the thought of having a needle inserted is frightening but more often than not the process is near painless and the potential benefits outweigh the negatives with almost no side effects in the hands of a skilled practitioner.
Acupuncture can release endorphins and other pain relieving and mood enhancing chemicals in the body which often gives soothing and relaxing element to the treatment which is often under-appreciated.
We suggest that if acupuncture is recommended that six sessions should be undertaken first. If there is no improvement within those six sessions then another therapy should be considered.